We can make a real difference if you will vote for me. Please watch this video for my explanation. Thank you.
Robin. (Robin Horsley)
I have lived in Surrey since early childhood when my parents moved here from Hertfordshire. I live near Newlands Corner, with my wife and our two grown-up daughters. I first got involved in Politics 15 years ago.
Our Political system is broken.. and I want to fix it.
Starting right here in Mole Valley.
The Conservative Candidate Paul Beresford turned up on my doorstep with a letter threatening me with legal action - read his letter and my response here.
The Conservatives deal with the EU would be very bad for the UK. This video explains exactly why.
If elected, I propose two ways in which to gather the views, opinions, ideas, experience and perspective of constituents - the video explains how.
This Video explains the Economics and Trade Implications of Brexit in detail - and how the UK can take best advantage.
Back in 2016 I setup the Great Brexit Debate Facebook Page, and later the Website, to explore all the issues surrounding the EU Referendum. It's been in operation ever since. There are lots of written pieces and videos that you can read and watch there.
N.B. The Facebook Page contains the most content and is a great place to debate the issues.
A bit of fun with a serious message. Hope you enjoy it!
An unusual story...
We All Know our Political System is Broken but Why is it So? Here's my take on part of the root cause.
A Story About Homelessness from Holmbury St Mary.
Tongue firmly in cheek here.
Short Answer - Yes. The MP in Mole Valley since 1997 has also worked as a dentist - Here's my take on it.
The Sad Story of the UK Fishing Industry and How the Conservatives Plan to Give it All Away Again.
Lack of Affordable Housing is Causing Huge Problems for Young People Trying to Start Out.
I think we are all sick of Party Politicians lieing and distorting the truth. Here's why they do it..
A quick video from Newlands Corner and an invitation for new people to join my campaign team!
The start of the journey. I hand in my nomination papers - signed by 4 Remain voters!
The Conservatives' Deal with the EU would be extremely bad for the UK. Read an EU Barrister's notes on it here.